Saturday, 2 November 2013

Questionnaire Results and Analysis

The first question I asked was” what is your age group” and as you can see all my respondents were between the ages of 16-26. From this, I feel as a group we will be better able at tailoring our film to this age group and making sure our content appeals to them. Their age group would probably help us to understanding their reasoning for the rest of the questionnaire as age does tend to affect preference.

In this screen shot it, shows that 58.33% of my respondents are regular cinema goers which gives me a good insight of the attendance of my target audience that go to the cinemas. This I feel is important as to ensure the success of our film, we have to get our target audience into the cinemas, watching our film. This may however be difficult if they are not fans of visiting the cinema.

The most vital question was asked to our target audience was “what do you like most about social realist films?” the reason why I say that question was vital because it gives us ideas of what we should have featured within our social realist trailer. I received back a lot of interesting answers such as “They are related to real life experience” so now that statement has prevented me from making my trailer hyper real and make it more realistic as it is preferred by my respondents.

Another essential question that was asked was "how would you describe the story lines of a social realism film" the qualitative information received helped to understand that the audience like to watch things they can relate to. This prevents us from creating exaggerated, fictional story lines and draws our attention more towards real events that occur in peoples lives.

Created by Sean Okpa  
Edited by Abena Amoako

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